Was ist secondary security screening selection?

Secondary security screening selection, also known as SSSS, is a process implemented by airport security to identify and screen passengers who require additional security checks beyond the standard procedures.

The selection of passengers for secondary screening is usually based on a variety of factors, including:

  1. Random selection: Some passengers are randomly selected to undergo the secondary screening process as a security measure to maintain unpredictability.
  2. Behavioral profiling: Security personnel observe passengers' behavior and body language to identify any suspicious or unusual activities that may warrant further scrutiny.
  3. Passenger history: Passengers with certain travel patterns, such as frequently traveling to high-risk destinations or unusual booking practices, may be flagged for secondary screening.
  4. Watchlists: Airlines and security agencies maintain watchlists of individuals or groups deemed to pose a potential security threat. Passengers matching the watchlist criteria may be selected for additional screening.
  5. Automatic selection: Certain criteria, such as traveling without a confirmed return ticket, buying a one-way ticket with cash, or having a high-risk travel origin or destination, can trigger an automatic selection for secondary screening.

Once selected, passengers will usually undergo additional security measures, such as an enhanced pat-down, thorough baggage and personal item inspection, explosive trace detection, or may even be subject to questioning by security personnel. The purpose of these screenings is to ensure the safety and security of passengers and aircraft.
